Public Presentation ("Fakultätsöffentliche Präsentation")
According to the Statutes, the topic of the doctoral thesis has to be approved by the Director of the Doctoral Study Programme within the first year. The approval is based on the research proposal and its public presentation. The public presentation serves a twofold purpose. Firstly, new doctoral candidates and their research topics are introduced to the faculty. Secondly, the presentation is supposed to offer all attendants a platform for exchange and feedback.
The public presentation is chaired by the Director of the Doctoral Study Programme and attended by members of the doctoral advisory board of your faculty. They will provide feedback to the research projects and evaluate whether the projects meets the scientific standards and if they can be realized successfully in a reasonable timeframe.
How to register?
If you would like to register for the public presentation/FÖP, please contact at the beginning of the semester you plan to give the presentation. Please also indicate your supervisor in the e-mail and the SSC will inform you about potential presentation dates.
It is also necessary to hand in the following documents to the SSC at least 2 weeks prior to the presentation date:
- "Registration of the doctoral thesis topic and announcement the supervisor(s) (SL / D11)"
- "Regulations relating to good scientific practice (SL/W1)"
- If necessary, the form "Approval of financial support of the doctoral thesis project (SL/W4)" has to be signed by the head of the organizational unit/the project and handed in.
- Additionally, the research proposal ("Exposé") is to be handed in as a hardcopy and sent to the SSC as a pdf-file. Please, name your file as follows: surname_firstname_student registration number_expose.pdf.