Placements of PhD Management Alumni

Our graduates usually move on successfully to renowned universities and institutions, such as the Erasmus University Rotterdam or the University of Leeds, using their well-developed skills and specialized knowledge to further academic advancements in a variety of sectors.

Any PhD programme’s Hall of Fame features its former graduates who passed their degrees and went off to obtain junior faculty positions at other institutions. We are both happy for and very proud of the achievements of our former graduates – whose year of graduation, initial placement, and (potentially differing) current affiliation information you find below. Feel free to contact them directly to inquire about their experiences when conducting their studies with us.

NameYear PhD
SpecialisationFirst PlacementRankCurrent PlacementRank
Bauer, Roland2003Controlling
Schneider, Georg2005ControllingUniversität GrazDepartment Head for Corporate Accounting & Reporting
Harreiter, Barbara2006Controlling
Legerer, Paul2007Controlling
Fuchs, Christoph2008International MarketingRotterdam School of ManagementUniv.-Prof.University of ViennaChair of Marketing
Hoppe, Daniel2008Marketing
Riefler, Petra2008International MarketingUniversity of ViennaAss.- Prof.University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, ViennaHead of the Marketing and Innovation Institute
Wagner, Joachim2008Controlling
Berger, Sebastian2009MarketingFH KremsPost Doc
Filzmoser, Michael2009Business Decisions and AnalyticsTU ViennaAssoc. Prof.
Zeugner-Roth, Katharina2009International MarketingGeorge Washington UniversityVisiting Prof.IÉSEG School of ManagementAssoc. Prof.
Griessmair, Michele2011

Business Decisions and Analytics

University of Viennaext. lecturer
Hussain, Dildar2011Business Decisions and AnalyticsRennes School of BusinessAssoc. Prof.
Oberecker-Kurys, Eva2011International MarketingMindTake ResearchHead of Business Development
Yaqub, Muhammad Zafar2011Business Decisions and AnalyticsKing Abdulaziz University, University of ViennaLecturer
Jell-Ojobor, Maria2012Business Decisions and AnalyticsLUISS Business School Villa BlancAss.-Prof.
Günther, Kainz2013Business Decisions and AnalyticsDonau Universität KremsScient. staff
Löhndorf, Birgit2013Business Decisions and AnalyticsWU ViennaAss.-Prof.
Mumdziev, Nada2013Business Decisions and AnalyticsWebster UniversitiyAss.-Prof.
Hippmann, Patrick2014Business Decisions and AnalyticsAllianz GroupData Scientist
Hutzinger, Clemens2014Business Decisions and AnalyticsPrivatuniversität Schloss SeeburgAss.-Prof.
Weitzl, Wolfgang2014MarketingUniversity of Vienna (Publizistik)Post Doc
Galak, Oksana2015Business Decisions and AnalyticsUniversity of Viennaext. lecturer
Bartsch, Fabian2016International MarketingIESEC ParisAss.-Prof.
Klapper, Helge2016StrategyErasmus University RotterdamAss.-Prof.University of PurdueAss.-Prof.
Seferagic, Haris2016Business Decisions and AnalyticsUniversity of Viennaext. lecturer
Wolfsteiner, Elisabeth 2016MarketingUniversität InnsbruckPost Doc
Davvetas, Vasileios2017International MarketingUniversity of LeedsAss.-Prof.
Hajdini, Ilir2017Business Decisions and AnalyticsUniversity of ViennaProject staff; ext. lecturer
Kourouxous, Thomas2017ControllingUniversität PaderbornAss.-Prof.
Engin, Aysegül2018Business Decisions and AnalyticsUniversität Wien (BDA)Post Doc
Pauser, Sandra2018MarketingUniversity of Vienna (Marketing)Post Doc
Raha, Aveed2018Business Decisions and AnalyticsUniversity of ViennaProject staff, ext. lecturer
Schumacher, Christian2018StrategyWU ViennaAss.-Prof.Copenhagen Business SchoolAss.-Prof. (tenure track) (from Oct 2021)
Smirnova, Inna2020StrategyUniversity of Michigan

Post Doc